
The Importance of Friendships on Our Wellbeing


Friendship connections can lower blood pressure and help us live longer.

I will never forget the moment I met Susie Lewis. It was the first day of grade one, and I excitedly sat at my new desk when a girl came in with bright red hair. I had never seen someone with red hair before, so I was amazed and intrigued. To be honest, I don’t remember how we became good friends, whether we were put in a class group together or on the playground, but we immediately became inseparable friends. And Susie, if you are reading this, please reach out! 

Since it is friendship day, I wanted to explore the importance of friendship. It’s a beautiful relationship; friendships help enrich our lives and support us through difficult times. They are built on trust, loyalty, and safety; they make us better humans and bring joy to everyday lives and experiences, and our overall wellbeing.

They can be tricky, though, and sometimes friends come in and out of your life, which can be tough, especially for young children. There is usually a reason for short term friendships, albeit challenging to move through; however, leaning into the gifts the friendship gave is the best way to honour it and let it go.

Kids gravitate toward one another and become friends with ease. They meet in the classroom, the sports they play, and the after-school activities they are a part of. And most parents become friends with their kid’s friends’ parents. This makes parenting much more effortless, and friendships become strong with the support we always need!

Hopefully, these parental friendship connections hold tight through the years; however, if not, it can be harder to make new friends as adults. As with all friendships, they can take time and some effort. Joining groups or clubs you are interested in can be a great way to meet new people. Running or hiking clubs, book clubs, or taking up new classes like archery (something I want to start up again!) or knitting. When you meet someone, you connect with, be consistent and reliable in the beginnings of your friendship journeys. The best long-lasting relationships are built on trust and honesty, so take your time and build your new friendship on those foundations.

This month on Instagram; we have focused on connecting all aspects: oneself, nature, and friends; and how important it is to one’s overall health (friendship connections can lower blood pressure and allow for a longer life!). 


dr. heather

Thank you Unsplash for the image!

More Research

The Anatomy of Friendship; PMID: 29273112

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