
But why do I have to go to bed early?


As a parent, you’ve likely heard the familiar refrain, “But why do I have to go to bed early?” It can be challenging to explain the importance of a good night’s sleep in a way that resonates with your child. Here are a few ideas and some bedtime tips to try out.

Parents note: Most kids need about 10-12 hours of sleep each night. 

Sleep is Super Important!

Sleep mask

First and foremost, sleep is essential for everyone, significantly with growing kids! When children sleep, their bodies are busy doing some incredible things. Sleep helps their bodies grow, repair muscles, and boost their immune systems. 

Parents note: Maybe mention how superheroes need their powers to save the day; kids need sleep to be at their best! And see below!

Boosting Brain Power

Sleep is like a superhero for your brain. When kids sleep, their brains are hard at work organizing all the information they learned during the day. This process helps with memory and learning. So, if your child wants to do well in school and remember what they learned, going to bed early is crucial. A well-rested brain is sharper and more focused!

Mood Matters

Lack of sleep can affect a child’s mood and behaviour. Kids who don’t get enough rest might feel cranky, irritable, or easily frustrated. This can lead to meltdowns or trouble getting along with siblings or friends—and neither side wants this! By ensuring they go to bed early, you’re setting them up for a happier day ahead.

Energy for Playtime

Kids are full of energy, but that energy needs to be recharged. A good night’s sleep gives children the stamina they need for all the fun activities they love—playing outside, participating in sports, or engaging in creative play. When they wake up refreshed from an early bedtime, they’ll be ready to tackle the day enthusiastically.

Healthy Habits Start Young

Establishing a bedtime routine helps children develop healthy habits that will benefit them today and tomorrow. By encouraging an early bedtime, you’re teaching them the importance of self-care and prioritizing their health. These habits can carry into adulthood, leading to better sleep patterns and overall well-being.

A few sleep tips

  • Use calming essential oils like lavender
  • Listen to soothing music or lullabies in the bath
  • Drink a warm, herbal tea like chamomile before bed
  • Give each other calming massages or style each other’s hair[
  • Make a cozy “human taco or burrito” with blankets
  • Share favourite memories, stories, or feelings from the day
  • List things you’re grateful for or moments you were your “best self”
  • Make up a bedtime story with your child as the main character

The key is to make the routine fun, relaxing, and full of connection. By incorporating play, comfort, and choices, you can transform bedtime from a battle to an exciting part of the day your child looks forward to! Consistency is essential, so try to follow the same routine each night.


dr. heather

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