
Your Fridge Decor and Eating Healthy


Your fridge décor is guiding you to eat healthy, and make healthy food choices. However, the first step is buying healthy foodsYour fridge décor is guiding you to eat healthy, and make healthy food choices.

However, the first step is buying healthy foods, which is sometimes an easy part of a healthy diet. Perhaps goji berries, free-range eggs, wild salmon and hemp milk filled your grocery bags, yet now, they stand untouched in your fridge because you have no idea what to do with them or you can’t find them in your fridge. I am guilty of this; however, I realize that where I place my food in the refrigerator plays a vital role in what I ( and my family) eat.

Below are a few tips that might help you eat more of what makes you feel great.

Give Yourself 15, and Prep … And it might not even take that long.

Cut up veggies, make a bowl of fruit and get it in the fridge … middle shelf is best; see below.

Glass Containers

People like to see food; it encourages the onlooker to grab a handful to munch on.

Find a glass container, fill it with your favourite nuts, seeds, granola, and maybe a few pieces of dark chocolate and get it on your middle shelf with your carrots and hummus ( see below).

Here are some other tips.

Middle Shelf Nutrition Powerhouse

The minute you open your fridge, your eyes go directly to the middle or center of your fridge. It’s natural. Therefore, when you place your cut-up carrots and hummus (for example) center fridge stage, they will command your attention and beg you to pull them out.

There are heaps of suggestions online, places to shop, and even numerous television shows that can guide you in not only fridge decor, but kitchen decor. All of the tips will encourage healthy eating!



PS Your fridge decor and eating healthy, ties in with eating on a budget!

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